eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

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its own right. With each passing day glass becomes a more important element in architecture not only in
grand public structures but also in the lives and homes of families across the world. The beauty of glass
lies in its simplicity, it enables us to be enveloped by nature while living comfortably in doors.

About the Author

Many architects, designers and construction companies recommend Pilkington when it comes to glass.
Having been in the glass industry for 179 years, Pilkington is recognized as the world’s technological
leader in glass. Out of all of their innovative products, Pilkington Activ™—the world’s first self-cleaning
glass is one of their greatest products and is an ideal material in glass architecture.


  1. Why is it important to research what consumers look for once you have chosen your key phrases?

  2. How is the article different from a press release?

  3. What key phrase is being targeted, and how is it being used in the article?

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