eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

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15.4 Analyzing Data


  1. Gain an understanding of data analysis and why it is important to eMarketing.

A number is just a number until you can interpret it. Typically, it is not the raw figures that you will

be looking at, but what they can tell you about how your users are interacting with your Web site.

How and What to Test

Avinash Kaushik, author of Web Analytics: An Hour a Day, recommends a three-prong approach to Web

  • Analyze behavior data that infer the intent of a Web site’s visitors.

  • Analyze outcome metrics that show how many visitors performed the goal actions on a Web site.

  • Test and analyze data that tell us about the user experience. [1]

Behavior Data: Intent

Web users’ behavior can indicate a lot about their intent. Looking at referral URLs (uniform resource
locators) and search terms used to find the Web site can tell you a great deal about what problems visitors
are expecting your site to solve.

Click density analysis, segmentation, metrics that define the visit, and content can all be used to gauge the
intent of your visitors.

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