eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

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Figure 15.2 The Trinity Approach to Analytics

Source: Adapted from http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/wp-

content/uploads/2006/08/trinity_strategy.jpg. Used by permission from Avinash Kaushik.

A crucial, and often overlooked, part of this analysis is that of internal search. Internal search refers to the
searches that users perform on the Web site of the Web site’s content. While a great deal of time is spent
analyzing and optimizing external search—using search engines to reach the Web site in question—
analyzing internal search goes a long way toward determining how effective a Web site is in delivering
solutions to visitors.

Internal and external search data are likely to be very different and can go a long way to exposing
weaknesses in site navigation and the internal search itself and can expose gaps in inventory on which a
Web site can capitalize.

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