eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

(sharon) #1

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  • SMS (short message service) can be sent from one phone to another, or from a PC to a phone and vice

  • Common short codes (CSCs) are short phone numbers to which users can send a text message from a
    mobile phone, usually to get something in return.

  • Users have proved to be reluctant to turn over their phone number for marketing messages.

  • Once users have provided permission to communicate with them and their mobile number, timely
    messages may be sent to their mobile phones.

  • There are several ways that SMS messages can be utilized to complement an existing marketing
    o CRM (customer relationship management)
    o Promotions
    o Receiving messages
    o Entering competitions
    o Texting to donate
    o Texting to participate
    o Combining the sending and receiving, where users text to opt in for something, and the marketer
    sends them something in return


  1. It can be considered that SMS (short message service) to the mobile phone is what e-mail is to the
    Internet. In what ways is this true, and how can this be used by marketers?

[1] David Harper, “Unfolding a Decade in Mobile Marketing,” Flytxt, July

2009,http://www.flytxt.com/Newsletter/unfolding-a-decade-in -mobile-marketing.html(accessed June 20,

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