eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

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16.5 Multimedia Message Service


  1. Learn what MMS (multimedia message service) is and understand its role in eMarketing.

  2. Learn what USSD (unstructured supplementary services data) is and understand its role in

Multimedia message service (MMS) messages are messages that contain graphics, audio, video, or

images as well as text. These messages allow for richer information to be sent to prospects, but the

costs are considerably higher. They use wireless application protocol (WAP) to download rich content

onto mobile phones.

MMS messages are particularly useful in viral campaigns, whether encouraging participants to use

their phones to create content (photographic, audio, or video) or encouraging users to pass on


Because there is no standard screen size across all mobile devices, MMS messages may display

differently on different phone models.

Bluetooth and Infrared

Most modern mobile phones present an array of means for connecting. As well as using the cellular
network, many phones have 3G (third-generation) and Wi-Fi (wireless-fidelity) capabilities, and the
ability to connect via Bluetooth or infrared.

If a user sets his Bluetooth enabled mobile phone to “discoverable,” Bluetooth devices within range of the
phone can request to connect to the phone and exchange messages and data. This can be used to send
location-specific marketing messages, such as discount codes in a shopping mall.


Smartphones are susceptible to receiving viruses via Bluetooth, so this is not necessarily the ideal channel
to reach smartphone users.

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