eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

(sharon) #1

Saylor URL: http://www.saylor.org/books Saylor.org

  • Technology can be used to allow an online business to interact personally with a Web visitor. Customers
    can get unbiased reviews from others online.

  • Customer relationships are no longer driven by telephone contact centers, but instead by blogs, Twitter,
    e-mail, and IM, as well as CRM channels both pre- and postsale.

  • There are several types of CRM in organizations: operational, analytical, sales-force automation, and
    collaborative CRM.


  1. Visit Comcast’s page on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/comcastcares). Study the posts on the page to
    see how people are talking to Comcast, and how Comcast responds. Describe what you see.

  2. As discussed above, sales-force automation uses CRM software to manage sales cycles. Consider how this
    may impact business. How do you think businesses managed this type of data before CRM software

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