
(Nora) #1
Create stretchy legs with controllers:

In this exercise, you will add a scale controller to a biped's legs to stretch them
during a portion of an animation.

1 Open stretchyleg_start.max.

2 Play the animation.
The biped walks for 10 paces, zooms to a lower level, and then walks
another five steps. You’ll add the scale controller, then animate the biped
so that its legs stretch during the period of the downward leap.

3 Move the time slider to frame 162, then select the Bip01 L Thigh object,
the blue leg.

4 On the Motion panel, open the Assign Controller rollout.

5 In the controller list window, expand the Biped SubAnim entry.
Now you can see the three list controllers.

6 Click the plus sign (+) next to BipScaleList to expand this controller.
Select the entry marked Available, then click the Assign Controller button.
The Assign Scale Controller dialog appears.

7 Choose Scale XYZ from the list, and click OK to close the dialog.

8 On the 3ds Max main toolbar, click the Select And Scale button.
The Scale gizmo is visible on the thigh in the viewport.

9 Turn on Auto Key.
First, you will set a key to start the stretch. You don’t want the stretch to
start before frame 162. You want the biped to have a normal leg
(unstretched) from the start of the animation up to this frame.

10 Using the Scale gizmo, stretch the leg very slightly in the X-axis at this
frame, so the final value in the Coordinate rollout is 100 (no stretch).

826 | Chapter 5 Character-Animation Tutorials

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