
(Nora) #1
Create the biped:

1 Go to the Create panel, turn on Systems, and the click
the Biped button to turn it on.

2 Drag in the Perspective viewport to create a biped about 67 inches tall.
You can set Height on the Create Biped rollout on the Command panel.

Give the biped a hand with knuckles:

1 Go to the Motion panel, and then turn on Figure

2 Expand the Structure rollout. Click the Knuckles toggle to turn it on.
When you click Knuckles, a couple other things happen:

■ The Short Thumb toggle becomes available. By default, it is on.

■ The value of Fingers changes to 5.

■ The value of Finger Links changes to 4.

These defaults for the Knuckles option model a human hand. You can
change them if you’re modeling a nonhuman character.

880 | Chapter 5 Character-Animation Tutorials

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