
(Nora) #1

The fastest way to check that vertex assignments is to make a simple animation
with the biped and watch how the mesh responds. You'll hide the mesh while
animating the biped to minimize the distraction.

1 Select the named selection set Wilson Mesh, and hide the selected objects.

2 Select any part of the biped and go to the Motion panel.

3 Turn off Figure mode.

4 Expand the Key Info rollout. At frame 0, select the biped's upper arms
and thighs, and click Set Key.

5 Go to frame 10 and turn on Auto Key.

6 Pose the biped with one arm up and one arm down, and with legs split
front and back slightly.

7 Scrub the time slider to see the simple animation.

Applying the Physique Modifier | 925

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