
(Nora) #1
6 Select the biped’s right finger, and rotate it so it is parallel with
the ground plane: about –30 degrees in the local Z axis.

7 Use Select By Name to select the biped’s left finger
(Bip01 L Finger0), and rotate it as you did the right finger.

TIPAnother difference between the anatomy of humans and most quadrupeds
(elephants are a notable exception), is that the hind legs appear to have an extra
joint. Actually, this is because the foot is extended, and the weight rests on the
ball of the foot. In Biped, you can add an extra joint or “link” to the leg, but
increasing Leg Links to 4 causes Biped to generate additional animation keys that
you might not want. It seems easier to leave Leg Links at its default of 3, and
increase the length of the foot link, as has been done in this model.

Elongated hind foot in a
familiar quadruped

Save your work:

■ Save the file as my_quadruped_adjusted.max.


Block the Steps for the Forelegs on page 1001

Block the Steps for the Forelegs

Now that you’ve adjusted time settings and the biped itself, you’re ready to
block the basic walk cycle, working from pose to pose. This involves positioning

Animating a Quadruped Walk | 1001

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