
(Nora) #1
3 Select the next spine link, Bip01 Spine 1, and rotate this link down a bit.
The goal is to have the outline of the spine match the contour of the
dog’s body in the reference sketch.

4 Shift+drag to copy the new key from frame 1 to frames 13 and 25.

5 Go to frame 7, the Contact pose for the forelegs, and repeat
these adjustments to the lower two spine links. Again, you want to have
the spine follow the dog’s body in the sketches. At Contact for the
forelegs, the dog’s weight shifts from the pelvis to the shoulders.
In this step, you might want to adjust the third spine link, Bip01 Spine 2,
down a little bit, as well.
After you adjust the spine, if the forefeet don’t appear to be reaching the
ground plane properly, go to the Layers rollout > Retargeting group, and
click Update.

1022 | Chapter 5 Character-Animation Tutorials

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