
(Nora) #1
root name of Bip02. The root name acts as a prefix for each part of the biped,
to make it unique from any other bipeds in the scene.

1 In the Create Biped rollout, highlight the current root name entry, Bip01,
in the Root Name field.

NOTEYou can also change the biped root name from the Motion Panel if
you expand the Biped rollout.

2 Enter the new root name, MyBiped.
Renaming the biped's root name to the name of the character is common
practice and helps with scene organization.

3 On the Quick Access toolbar,
click the Save File button and save the scene as MyBiped.max.

To find more information about building bipeds, see the tutorial Working
with Biped Parts on page 873.

666 | Chapter 5 Character-Animation Tutorials

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