
(Nora) #1
4 Dragging the time slider to the right, flip through the frames of animation.
Drag forward and backward, and watch the how the arms and legs swing.
Study the motion carefully.
When the green foot is extended, the blue arm swings forward. When
the blue foot swings out, the green arm swings forward. See if you can
find the frame at which the hand extends the farthest forward.

5 In the viewport, select the green hand of the biped (Bip01 RHand).
The track bar displays the keys for the hand.

6 Move the time slider to frame 30.
There is a key in track bar at that frame for the hand object.

7 Right-click the hand, and choose Move from the quad menu.
Using the Transform gizmo, move the hand approximately 10 units
upward on the Z axis.
By moving the hand, you've also rotated the two arm bones. The keys
for the hand and arm bones are stored on a single track.

724 | Chapter 5 Character-Animation Tutorials

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