
(Nora) #1
9 To display the entire animation in the Perspectiveviewport, zoom out
and adjust your view until the biped and all 11 steps are visible.

Pasted footsteps extend the motion.

10 With the Perspectiveviewport active, play the animation.
Since you are still in Footstep mode, the Motion panel is available. This
is a good time to save your mywalk_pasted.bip file, using Save File on the
Biped rollout.

Scale the walk:

1 Make sure that Footstep mode is active.

2 In the Topviewport, region-select all the footsteps.

3 On the Footstep Operations rollout, turn off Length, and leave Width

4 Set Scale to 2.0 to double the spacing between the left and right footsteps.

5 Play the animation.
The biped walks with legs apart.

6 Set Scale to 0.25 or smaller to reduce the spacing between the left and
right footsteps to half of the original scaling (one-quarter the current

Modifying Footsteps | 737

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