Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

410 Chapter 13 Energy and Power


Now that you have reached this point in the text

  • You should understand how different forms of mechanical energy are defined. You should
    know how and when to use kinetic energy, potential energy, and elastic energy in engineer-
    ing analyses.

  • You should know what is meant by internal energy and heat.

  • You should know how and when to use conservation of energy to solve engineering problems.

  • You should clearly understand the definition of power, its common units, and how it is related
    to work and energy.

  • You should know the basic definition of efficiency and be familiar with its various forms,
    including the definitions of thermal efficiency, SEER, and AFUE, which are commonly used
    to express the efficiencies of components such as pumps, compressors, and motors, as well as
    complete systems including heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment
    and household appliances.


13.1. Identify ways that you can save energy. For example,
walking up a floor instead of taking the elevator, or
walking or riding your bike an hour a day instead of
taking the car. Estimate the amount of energy that you
could save every year with your proposal. Also, estimate
the amount of fuel that can be saved in the same man-
ner. State your assumptions, and present your detailed
analysis in a report.
13.2. Look up the manufacturer’s data for the most recent
year of the following cars:
a. Toyota Camry
b. Honda Accord
c. BMW 750 Li
You can visit the Website to gather information.
For each car, perform calculations similar to Example 13.9
to determine the power required to accelerate the car from
0 to 60 mph. State all of your assumptions.
13.3. An elevator has a rated capacity of 2000 lb. It can trans-
port people at the rated capacity between the first and
the fifth floors, with a vertical distance of 15 ft
between each floor, in 7 s. Estimate the power require-
ment for such an elevator.
13.4. Determine the gross force needed to bring a car that
is traveling at 110 km/h to a full stop in a distance of

100 m. The mass of the car is 2100 kg. What happens
to the initial kinetic energy? Where does it go or to
what form of energy does the kinetic energy convert?
13.5. A centrifugal pump is driven by a motor. The perfor-
mance of the pump reveals the following information:

Power input to the pump by the motor (kW):
0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2
Power input to the fluid by the pump (kW):
0.3, 0.55, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0

Plot the efficiency curve. The efficiency of a pump
is a function of the flow rate. Assume that the flow-
rate readings corresponding to power data points are
equally spaced.
13.6. A power plant has an overall efficiency of 30%. The
plant generates 20 MW of electricity, and uses coal
from Montana (see Table 11.12) as fuel. Determine
how much coal must be burned to sustain the genera-
tion of 20 MW of electricity.
13.7. Estimate the amount of gasoline that could be saved
if all of the passenger cars in the United States were
driven 1000 miles less each year. State your assump-
tions and write a brief report discussing your

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