Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

412 Chapter 13 Energy and Power

13.21.Visit a flat panel solar collector manufacturer and
obtain data sheets including cost and efficiencies for
single-pane and double-pane collectors.
13.22.The masonry wall shown in Figure 13.27 is commonly
referred to as a “Trombe” wall in honor of Felix
Trombe who developed this concept. Investigate the
factors that must be considered when sizing (thickness)
the “trombe” wall. Write a brief report discussing your

13.23.The photovoltaic systems are designed based on “Peak
Sun Hours.” What is peak sun hour?
13.24.You may have noticed that solar collectors are slopped
at a certain angle. Investigate the tilt of solar collectors.
What is a collector tilt based on? Write a brief report
discussing your findings.
13.25.For a wind turbine, look up the definition for the fol-
lowing terms: rotor solidity, tip speed ratio, capacity
factor, and Betz limit. Write a brief report discussing
your findings.

Objective:To design a catapult system from the materi-
als listed that throws a ping-pong ball a maximum dis-
tance in a specified direction. During the launch
process, the catapult system must be handled by one
team member alone. Each team is allowed one practice
launch. Thirty minutes will be allowed for preparation.

Provided Materials:8 rubber bands; 20 inches of adhe-

sive tape; 20 inches of string; 2 Dixie cups; 2 sheets of

paper ( 8  11 each); 4 plastic drinking straws; 2
plastic spoons; 8 popsicle sticks ; 4 thumb tacks; a ping-

pong ball.
The system that throws the ping-pong ball the max-
imum distance along the specified direction wins.


Impromptu Design VI

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