Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
9.Worksheet tabs: Allow you to move from one sheet to another sheet. As you will learn
later, you can name these worksheets.
10.Status bar: Gives information about the command mode. For example, “Ready” indicates
the program is ready to accept input for a cell or “Edit” indicates Excel is in an edit mode.

Aworkbookis the spreadsheet file that you create and save. A workbook could consist of many
worksheets and charts. Aworksheetrepresents the rows and columns where you input infor-
mation such as data, formulas, and the result of various calculations. As you will see soon, you
may also include charts as a part of a given worksheet as well.

Naming Worksheets

To name a worksheet, double-click the sheet tab to be named, type the desired name, and hit the
enter key. You can move (or change the position of ) a worksheet in the workbook by selecting the
sheet tab and while holding down the left button on the mouse move the tab to the desired posi-
tion among other sheets.

14.2 Cells and Their Addresses

As shown in Figure 14.1, a worksheet is divided into rows and columns. The columns are marked
by A, B, C, D, and so on, while the rows are identified by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. Acell
represents the box that one sees as the result of the intersection of a row and a column. You can
input (enter) various entities in a cell. For example, you can type in words or enter numbers or
a formula. To enter words or a number in a cell, simply choose the cell where you want to enter
the information, type the information, and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard. Perhaps

420 Chapter 14 Electronic Spreadsheets











■Figure 14.1 The components of the Excel window.

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