Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
in Figure 14.2, we have grouped the measured voltages and the resistance into one range, which
we have calledMeasurements. You can then use the name in formulas or in plotting data.

Inserting Cells, Columns, and Rows

After entering data into a spreadsheet, you may realize that you should have entered some additional
data in between two cells, columns, or rows that you have just created. In such a case, you can
always insert new cells, column(s), or row(s) among already existing data cells, columns, and rows
in a worksheet. To insert new cell(s) between other existing cells, you must first select the cell(s)
where the new cell(s) are to be inserted. Next, from the Insertmenu choose the Cellsoption. Indi-
cate whether you want the selected cells to be shifted to the right or down. For example, let’s say
we want to insert three new cells in the location E8 through E11 (E8:E11) and shift the existing
content of E8:E11 down. We first select cells E8:E11; then from the Insertmenu we choose the
Cellsoption, and then choose the Shift cell down option. To insert a column, click on the column
indicator button to the right of where you would like to have the new column inserted. From the
Insertmenu, chooseColumns. The procedure is similar for inserting a new row among already
existing rows. For example, if you would like to insert a new column between columns D and E,
you must first select column E, and then from the Insertmenu choose Columns; the new column
will be inserted to the left of column E. To insert more than one column or row simultaneously,
you should select as many column indicator buttons as necessary to the right of where you would
like to have the columns inserted. For example, if you would like to insert three new columns
between columns D and E, then you must first select columns E, F, G; then from the Insertmenu
choose Columns, and three new columns will be inserted to the left of column E.

14.3 Creating Formulas in Excel

By now, you know that engineers use formulas that represent physical and chemical laws gov-
erning our surroundings to analyze various problems. You can use Excel to input engineering
formulas and compute the results. In Excel, a formula always begins with an equal sign, .

422 Chapter 14 Electronic Spreadsheets

TABLE 14.1 The Basic Excel Arithmetic Operations

Example: Cells A5 Cell A7 contains
and A6 contain the the result of the
values 10 and 2, formula given
Operation Symbol respectively in the example

Addition A5A6 20 32
Subtraction A5A6 8
Multiplication * (A5*A6) 929
Division / (A5/2.5)A6 6
Raised to a power ^ (A5^A6)^0.5 10

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