Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Problems 457

Problem 14.18


WCIwindchill index (kcal /m

Vwind speed ( m/s)

Taambient air temperature (C)

and the value 33 is the body surface temperature in
degrees Celsius.
The more common equivalent windchill tempera-
tureTequivalent(C) is given by

WCI 1 10.45V 102 V 2133 Ta 2

Note thatVis expressed in km/h.
Create a table that shows the windchill temperatures
for the range of ambient air temperature
 30 CTa 10 C and wind speed of 20 km/h
V80 km/h as shown in the accompanying spread-
14.20.Use the data given in Figure 14.10 and duplicate the
chart shown there.

1 Ta 332  33

Tequivalent0.045 1 5.27V
10.450.28V 2

Problem 14.19

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