Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

15.2 Using MATLAB Built-in Functions 479

■Figure 15.9 The M-file for Example 15.3.

■Figure 15.10 The results of Example 15.3.

Next, we will write a computer program using an M-file that asks a user to input a value for n
and computes the sum of 1 through n. To make the program interesting, we will not make
use of Pascal’s formula; instead, we will use a forloop to solve the problem. We have used
MATLAB’s Editor to create the program and have named it For_Loop_Example.m, as shown
in Figure 15.9. In the shown program, the % symbol denotes comments, and any text follow-
ing the % symbol will be treated as comments by MATLAB. Also, note that you can find the
Line (Ln) and Column (Col) numbers corresponding to a specific location in your program by
moving the cursor. The line and the column numbers are shown in the right side, bottom cor-
ner of the Editor window. As you will see, the knowledge of line and column numbers are use-
ful for debugging your program. We run the program by clicking on Debug SSSave File and
Run, and the result is shown in Figure 15.10.

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