Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

15.3 Plotting with MATLAB 485

■Figure 15.18 MATLAB’s Text Property Editor.

plot(x,y),except it uses logarithmic axes. The command semilogx(x,y)or semi-
logy(x,y)creates a plot with base-10 logarithmic scales for either only thex-axis ory-axis.
Finally, it is worth noting that you can use the holdcommand to plot more than one set of
data on the same chart.
A reminder, when creating an engineering chart, whether you are using MATLAB,
Excel, other drawing software, or a free-hand drawing; an engineering chart must contain proper
labels with proper units for each axis. The chart must also contain a figure number
with a title explaining what the chart represents. If more than one set of data is plotted on
the same chart, the chart must also contain a legend or list showing symbols used for different
data sets.

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