Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

16.5 Sectional Views 519

Moreover, identifying letters are used with the directional arrows to name the section. The next
step involves identifying and showing on the sectional view which portion of the object is made
of solid material and which portion has the voids. The solid section of the view is then marked
by parallel inclined lines. This method of marking the solid portion of the view is calledcross-
hatching. An example of a cutting plane, its directional arrow, its identifying letter, and cross-
hatching is shown in Figure 16.14.
Based on how complex the inside of an object is, different methods are used to show sec-
tional views. Some of the common section types include:full section,half section,broken-out
section,rotated section, andremoved section.

  • Full-section viewsare created when the cutting plane passes through the object completely,
    as shown in Figure 16.14.

  • Half-sectional viewsare used for symmetrical objects. For such objects, it is customary to
    draw half of the object in sectional view and the other half as exterior view. The main
    advantage of half-sectional views is that they show the interior and exterior of the object
    using one view. An example of a half-section view is shown in Figure 16.15.

  • Rotated section viewmay be used when the object has a uniform cross section with a shape
    that is difficult to visualize. In such cases, the cross section is rotated by 90and is shown in
    the plane of view. An example of a rotated section is shown in Figure 16.16.

■Figure 16.15 An example of a half-sectional view.

■Figure 16.16 An example of a rotated section view.

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