Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
18% chromium and 8% nickel, are commonly used for tableware and kitchenware products.
Finally, cast iron is also an alloy of iron that has 2 to 4% carbon. Note that the addition of extra
carbon to the iron changes its properties completely. In fact, cast iron is a brittle material, whereas
most iron alloys containing less than 2% carbon are ductile.


Today, concrete is commonly used in construction of roads, bridges, buildings, tunnels, and
dams. What is normally called concrete consists of three main ingredients: aggregate, cement,
and water. Aggregate refers to materials such as gravel and sand, and cement refers to the bond-
ing material that holds the aggregate together. The types and size (fine to coarse) of aggregate
used in making concrete varies depending on the application. The amount of water used in
making concrete (water-to-cement ratio) could also influence its strength. Of course, the mix-
ture must have enough water so that the concrete can be poured and have a consistent cement
paste that completely wraps around all aggregates. The ratio of amount of cement to aggregate
used in making concrete also affects the strength and durability of concrete. Another factor
that could influence the cured strength of concrete is the temperature of its surroundings when
it is poured. Calcium chloride is added to cement when the concrete is poured in cold climates.

564 Chapter 17 Engineering Materials

Alloy steels, because of mechanical properties such as superior strength, are used in a wide range of
applications—from structural components to machine parts.

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