Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

574 Chapter 17 Engineering Materials

17.1. Identify and list at least ten different materials that are
used in your car.
17.2. Name at least five different materials that are used in a
17.3. Identify and list at least five different materials that are
used in your TV set or computer.
17.4. List at least ten different materials that are used in a
building envelope.
17.5. List at least five different materials used to fabricate
window and door frames.
17.6. List the materials used in the fabrication of incandes-
cent light bulbs.
17.7.Identify at least ten products around your home that
make use of plastics.
17.8. In a brief report discuss the advantages and disadvan-
tages of using Styrofoam, paper, glass, stainless steel,
and ceramic materials for coffee or tea cups.
17.9.Every day you use a wide range of paper products
at home or school. These paper products are made
from different paper grades. Wood pulp is the main
ingredient used in making a paper product. It is
common practice to grind the wood first and cook
it with some chemicals. Investigate the composition,
processing methods, and the annual consumption rate
of the following grades of paper products in the
United States, and write a brief report discussing your
findings. The paper products to investigate should

a. printing papers
b. sanitary papers
c. glassine and waxing papers
d. bag paper
e. boxboard
f. paper towels
17.10. As you already know, roofing materials keep the water
from penetrating into the roof structure. There is a
wide range of roofing products available on the mar-
ket today. For example, asphalt shingles, which are
made by impregnating a dry felt with hot asphalt, are
used in some houses. Other houses use, for example,
wood shingles, such as red-cedar or redwood shin-
gles. A large number of houses in California use
interlocking clay tiles as roofing materials. Investi-
gate the properties and the characteristics of various
roofing materials. Write a brief report discussing your
17.11. Adhesives are used extensively to bond together parts
made of the same or different materials. Discuss the
characteristics that should be considered when selecting
an adhesive for an application. For example, when
selecting an adhesive engineers consider the adhesive’s
ability to bond dissimilar materials, cure time, service
temperature, strength, and so on. Investigate the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of various adhesives, such
as natural adhesives and thermosetting, thermoplastic,
and synthetic elastomers.


Now that you have reached this point in the text

  • You should understand that engineers select materials for an application based on character-
    istics of materials, such as strength, density, corrosion resistance, durability, toughness, the ease
    of machining, and manufacturability. Moreover, you should understand that material cost is
    also an important selection criterion.

  • You should be familiar with common applications of basic materials, such as light metals and
    their alloys, steel and its alloys, composite materials, and building materials such as concrete,
    wood, and plastics.

  • You should be familiar with the application of fluids, such as air and water, in engineering. More-
    over, you should also be familiar with the composition of air and what the termhumiditymeans.


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