Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Problems 575

17.12. Visit a home improvement center (hardware / lumber
store) in your town, and try to gather information
about various types of insulating materials that can be
used in a house. Write a brief report discussing advan-
tages, disadvantages, and the characteristics of various
insulating materials, including their thermal character-
istics in terms ofR-value.
17.13. Investigate the characteristics of titanium alloys used
in sporting equipment, such as bicycle frames, tennis
racquets, and golf shafts. Write a brief summary report
discussing your findings.
17.14. Investigate the characteristics of titanium alloys used
in medical implants for hips and other joint replace-
ments. Write a brief summary report discussing your
17.15. Cobalt-chromium alloys, stainless steel, and titanium
alloys are three common biomaterials that have been
used as surgical implants. Investigate the use of these
biomaterials, and write a brief report discussing the
advantages and disadvantages of each.
17.16. According to the Aluminum Association, in 1998,
102 billion aluminum cans were produced and of
these, 62 billion cans were recycled. Measure the mass
of ten aluminum cans, and use an average mass for an
aluminum can to estimate the total mass of aluminum
cans that was recycled. How many aluminum cans
were produced in 2009?
17.17. As we discussed in this chapter, when selecting mate-
rials for mechanical applications, the value of modulus
of resilience for a material shows how good the mate-
rial is at absorbing mechanical energy without sus-tain-
ing any permanent damage. Another important
characteristic of a material is its ability to handle over-
loading before it fractures. The value of modulus of
toughness provides such information. Look up the val-
ues of modulus of resilience and modulus of toughness
for the following materials:
a. titanium
b. steel
17.18. Investigate and discuss some of the characteristics of
the materials that are used in bridge construction.
17.19. As we discussed in this chapter, the strength-to-weight
ratio of material is an important criterion when se-
lecting material for aerospace applications. Calculate
the average strength-to-weight ratio for the following

a. aluminum alloy
b. titanium alloy
c. steel
Use Tables 17.2 and 17.3 to look up appropriate values.
17.20.How much heavier, on average, will an aluminum-
alloy tennis racquet be if it is made from titanium alloy?
Obtain a tennis racquet, and take appropriate mea-
surements to perform your analysis.
17.21. Tensile test machines are used to measure the mechan-
ical properties of materials, such as modulus of elastic-
ity and tensile strength. Visit the Web site of the MTS
Systems Corporation to obtain information on test
machines used to test the strength of materials. Write
a brief report discussing your findings.
17.22.Endoscopyrefers to medical examination of the inside of
a human body by means of inserting a lighted optical
instrument through a body opening. Fiberscopes oper-
ate in the visible wavelengths and consist of two major
components. One component consists of a bundle of
fibers that illuminates the examined area, and the other
component transmits the images of the examined area
to the eye of the physician or to some display device.
Investigate the design of fiberscopes or the fiber-optic
endoscope, and discuss your findings in a brief report.
17.23.Crystal tableware glass that sparkles is sought after by
many people as a sign of affluence. This crystal com-
monly contains lead monoxide. Investigate the prop-
erties of crystal glass in detail, and write a brief report
discussing your findings.
17.24. You all have seen grocery bags that have labels and
printed information on them. Investigate how in-
formation is printed on plastic bags. For example,
a common practice includes using a wet-inking
process; another process makes use of lasers and
heat transfer decals. Discuss your findings in a brief
17.25.Teflon and Nylon are trade names of plastics that are
used in many products. Look up the actual chemical
name of these products, and give at least five examples
of where they are used.
17.26. Investigate how the following basic wood products are
a. plywood
b. particle board
c. veneer
d. fiberboard

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