Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

680 Chapter 20 Engineering Economics



$2000 $2000

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Problem 20.15

Problem 20.16^10



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20.18.What are the equivalent present worth, annual worth,
and future worth of the cash flow given in the accom-
panying figure? Assumei8%.
20.19.You are to consider the following projects. Which proj-
ect would you approve if each project creates the same
income? Assumei8% and a period of 15 years.

Project X Project Y

Initial cost $55,000 $80,000

Annual operating cost $15,000 $10,000

Annual maintenance cost $6,000 $4,000

Salvage value at the end
of 15 years $10,000 $15,000

Criteria Motor X Motor Y

Expected useful life 5 years 5 years
Initial cost $300 $400
Efficiency at the 0.75 0.85
operating point
Estimated $12 per year $10 per year
maintenance cost



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Problem 20.17

20.15.What is the equivalent present worth of the
cash flow given in the accompanying figure? Assume
20.16.What is equivalent future worth of the cash flow given
in the accompanying figure? Assumei8%.
20.17.What is the equivalent annual worth of the cash flow
given in the accompanying figure? Assumei8%.

20.20.In order to purchase a new car, imagine that you
recently have borrowed $15,000 from a bank that

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