Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
ABET, seeAccreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET)
Absolute pressure, 275 – 276
Absolute reference, Excel, 426
Absolute thermodynamic temperature, 313
Absolute zero temperature, 311– 315
Abstract, technical reports, 98
Academic qualifications, engineering ethics
and, 120
Acceleration, 216 – 218, 223 – 224
angular motion, 223 – 224
average, 216
gravity and, 216 – 217
instantaneous, 216
linear motion, 216 – 218
time-related parameter of, 216 – 218,
223 – 224
Accommodating team members, 61
Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET), 14 – 22
Action buttons, PowerPoint, 101
Active cell, Excel, 419 – 420
Actual sizes versus nominal sizes, 168 –170
Add Datacommand, Excel, 437
Add Trendlineoptions, Excel, 448 – 449
Addresses, Excel cells, 420 – 422
Advertisement of project success, engineering
ethics and, 120
Aerospace engineering, profession of, 18
Air, 571–572, 591–593
density, 591–593
fluid properties of, 571–572
standard atmosphere variations with
altitude, 593
Air quality, 73, 77– 81
American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE), 80
Clean Air Act, 73, 77–78
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
73, 76 –79

heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC) systems, 79 – 80
indoor (IAQ), 79 – 81
managing contaminants, methods of,
80 – 81
outdoor, 77–78
pollution, 77– 80
Alternating current (ac), 350
Aluminum, 561
American Academy of Environmental
Engineers (AAEE), 12
American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Engineers (AASHTO),
584, 596
American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA), 12
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
(AICHE), 12
American Institute of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME), 12, 54, 68
American National Standards Institute
(ANSI), 68, 511
American Nuclear Society (ANS), 12
American Society for Engineering Education
(ASEE), 12, 54
American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM), 68 –70, 282
American Society of Agricultural and
Biological Engineers (ASAE), 12, 54
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),
12, 54 –55
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,
and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE), 12, 80
American Wire Gage (AWG), 355 – 356
Ampere (A), unit of, 132 –134, 346 – 347
Amplitude, 350
Angular motion, 221– 224
acceleration, 223 – 224
radians per second (rad /s), 222
revolutions per minute (rpm), 222
rotational speed, 221– 222

time-related parameter of, 221– 224
units of, 222
Animation, PowerPoint, 101
Annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE),
Annual worth (AW), 672, 674
Apparatus and experimental procedures,
technical reports, 98
Appendix, technical reports, 98 – 99
Area, 171–180, 185 –190, 269 – 281. See also
beams, 185 –190
counting squares method for, 178
cross-sectional, 173 –174, 185 –187
distance squared and, 187
drag coefficient, 173
force acting over an, 173 –174, 269 – 281
formulas for, 176 –177
importance of in engineering, 171–174
moment of inertia, 185 –190
planar, approximation of, 175 –180
pressure and, 269 – 281
primitive, 175
second moment of, 185 –190, 281
stress and, 280 – 281
subtracting unwanted, 178
trapezoidal rule, 175, 178 –180
units of, 175
volume relationship to, 172 –173
weighing, 179
Arithmetic, seeMathematics in engineering
Assembly drawings, 513
Association Française de normalisation
(AFNOR), 68
Atmospheric pressure, 273 – 275, 307
Atomic structure, mass and, 231– 233
Average linear parameters, 214 – 216
Average reaction force, 291– 292

Bar graphs (histograms), 636 – 637
Batteries, 347– 348


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