Confidentiality, engineering ethics and, 117
Conflict of interest, engineering
ethics and, 118
Conflict resolution, teamwork and, 61
Conservation of energy, 150, 378 – 381
Conservation of mass, 150, 241– 244
Constraints, design process, 47
Construction document (CD) design phase,
Contaminants, 76 – 81
air quality, 73, 77– 81
drinking water, 76
indoor air quality (IAQ), 79 – 81
maximum contaminant level (MCL), 76
maximum contaminant level goal
(MCGL), 76
methods of managing, 80 – 81
outdoor air quality, 77–78
Continuous duty motors, 363
Contour plots, MATLAB, 483 – 485
Convection, 322 – 326
heat transfer coefficient, 323 – 324
film resistance (coefficient), 324
forced, 323 – 324
free (natural), 323 – 324
thermal resistance and, 324 – 326
Conversion of units, 138 –141,
313 – 315, 374
Cooling of steel plates, nonlinear model for,
600 – 605
Cooling systems, efficiency of, 389 – 393
Coordinate systems, 162 –163
Copper and copper alloys, material selection
and, 562 –563
Copyrights, 64 – 65
Coulomb (C), unit of, 346
Coulomb’s law, 346 – 347
Counting squares method for area, 178
Couple moment, 265
Creator, team role of, 60
Credentials, engineering ethics and, 121
Credit for work, engineering ethics and, 118
Cross-hatching, drawings, 518 –519
Cross-sectional area, 173 –174, 185 –187
Cumulative frequency distribution, 637– 638
Current Folder Window, MATLAB,
462 – 463
Current, seeElectric current and related
Curve fitting, 448 – 452, 492 – 493
Excel plots, 448 – 452
MATLAB plots, 492 – 493
Cutting plane, drawings, 518 –519
Cylinders, moment of inertia of, 238
Dashed lines, drawings, 509 –510
Data and results, technical reports, 98
Daylight saving time, 209 – 210
Debugging, MATLAB, 478 – 479
Decibel scale, nonlinear model for, 605
Deflection of a beam, nonlinear model for,
597– 600
Degree days (DD), 336 – 337
Density, 57, 234 – 235, 556, 558 –559,
air, 591–593
mass and, 234 – 235
material selection and, 57, 556, 558 –559
specific weight and, 235, 558 –559
Dependent variables, 587–588, 616
Depreciation, 678
Derivative rules, 617
Derived physical quantity, 214 – 215
Design development (DD) phase, 51
Design process, 41–54, 85 – 90. See also
Engineering design
civil engineering process, 48 –54, 85 – 88
conceptualization, 43
constraints, 47
construction administration phase, 52 –54
construction document (CD) phase, 51–52
definition of, 41
design development (DD) phase, 51
design variables, 47
evaluation, 44
feasible solution region, 47– 48
health clinic case study, 85 – 88
mechanical /electrical engineering process,
88 – 90
Minnekota electric outboard drive, case
study, 88 – 90
objective function, 47
optimization, 44 – 45
presentation, 46 – 48
problem definition and understanding,
42 – 43
project planning, 50 –51
recognizing need for a product
or service, 42
research and preparation, 43
schematic phase, 51
synthesis, 43 – 44
Design team, 59
Detail drawings, 513
Determinant of a matrix, 611– 613
Deutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN), 68
Diagonal matrix, 606 – 607
Differential calculus, 616 – 619
Differential equations, 624 – 626
Dimension lines, drawings, 512
Dimensional homogeneity, 141–142
Dimensions and units, 129, 130 –158,
511–514. See alsoDrawings;
Fundamental dimensions; Physical laws
and observations; Units
dimensional homogeneity, 141–142
drawings, 511–514
engineering components and systems,
146 –148
engineering problems and, 131–132
fundamental dimensions, 129, 131,
numerical solutions, 143 –144
physical laws and observations, 148 –151
significant digits, 144 –146
symbolic solutions, 143 –144
systems of units, 132 –138
tolerancing, 514
unit conversion, 138 –141
dircommand, MATLAB, 466
Direct current (dc), 349 – 350
Direct estimation of volume, 185
Direct expansion, matrix algebra, 612 – 613
Disks, moment of inertia of, 238
Display equation on chartbox, Excel,
448 – 451
Display R-squared value on chartbox,
Excel, 450 – 451
Distance, 253 – 254, 262 – 267, 267– 268
external force, 262 – 265
gravitational force and, 253 – 254,
262 – 267
internal force, 265 – 266
moment of a force acting at, 262 – 267
reaction forces, 266 – 267
torque and, 262 – 267
work force acting over, 267– 268
Distance squared, area and, 187
Drag coefficient, 173
Drawings, 101–103, 506 –548
American National Standards Institute
(ANSI), 511
assembly, 513
centerlines, 509 –510, 512
civil engineering, 521–522, 530 –531
cross-hatching, 518 –519
cutting plane, 518 –519
dashed lines, 509 –510
detail, 513
dimension lines, 512
dimensioning, 511–514
electrical and electronic engineering, 521,
523, 530 –531
engineering use of, 101–103, 506 –507
extension lines, 512
fillets, 512
hidden lines, 509 –510
importance of in engineering
communication, 507–508
isometric views, 514 –517
leaders, 512
mechanical engineering, 531–532
Not to Scale (NTS), 512
Index 691
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