Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
Drawings (Continued)
orthographic views, 508 –511
sectional views, 517–521
solid lines, 509 –510
solid modeling, 521–528
symbols for, 528 –532
tolerancing, 514
Drawings, engineering communication and,
Drinking water standards, 73, 76
Dry friction, 257
dspcommand, MATLAB, 465 – 466, 469
Ductile materials, 286
Duty cycle, 363

Economics, 56, 655 – 683
annual worth (AW), 672, 674
bonds, 678
cash flow diagrams, 656 – 657
compound interest, 658
compounding periods, effects of, 661
decisions based on analysis, 672 – 675
depreciation, 678
design process and, 56
effective interest rate, 661– 662
engineering analysis formulas, 668 – 672
Excel financial functions, 675 – 678
future worth (FW), 658 – 660, 664 – 668,
674 – 675
interest and, 657– 658, 661– 662,
670 – 671, 678
interest – time factors, 667– 672
life-cycle cost, 678
nominal interest rate, 661
present worth (PW), 663 – 664, 672 – 674
series payments, 663 – 668
simple interest, 657– 658
Effective interest rate, 661– 662
Efficacy, 363 – 364
Efficiency, 386 – 393
annual fuel utilization (AFUE), 392
coefficient of performance (COP),
392 – 393
cooling systems, 389 – 393
energy efficiency ratio (EER), 392 – 393
heating systems, 389 – 393
internal combustion engines, 388
motors, 388 – 389
overall, 386
power plants, 386 – 388
pumps, 388 – 389
refrigeration systems, 389 – 393
seasonal energy efficiency ratio
(SEER), 392
Elastic energy, 376 – 377
Elastic point, 282
Elastic range, 256

Elasticity, seeModulus of elasticity; Young’s
Electric current and related parameters, 129,
133, 344 – 371. See alsoCircuits,
alternating current (ac), 350
American Wire Gage (AWG), 355 – 356
ampere (A), unit of, 132 –134, 346 – 347
batteries, 347– 348
capacitors, 359 – 360
circuits, 352 – 360
Coulomb (C), unit of, 346
Coulomb’s law, 346 – 347
direct current (dc), 349 – 350
electrical charge as, 346 – 347
electromotive force (emf ), 347
farad (F), unit of, 360
fundamental dimension, as a, 129,
345 – 347
Kirchhoff ’s current law, 350 – 351
lighting systems, 363 – 368
motors, 360 – 363
ohm (æ), unit of, 354
Ohm’s law, 354
parallel connections, 348, 358 – 359
photoemission, 348 – 349
power, 136 –138, 349, 352 – 353, 356
series connections, 348, 356 – 358
symbols for distribution of, 353
units of, 133, 136 –138, 346 – 347,
354, 360
voltage, 347– 349
Electrical and electronic engineering, 14, 16,
88 – 90, 521, 523, 530 –531
design process, 88 – 90
graphical communication in, 521, 523,
530 –531
Minnekota electric outboard drive, case
study, 88 – 90
profession of, 14, 16
symbols used in, 530 –531
Electrical power, 136 –138, 349, 352 – 353,

  1. See alsoPower
    consumption, 356
    power plants, 349
    residential distribution, 352 – 353
    symbols for distribution of, 353
    units of, 136 –138
    Electrical resistivity, 57, 352, 354, 555, 589
    electric current and, 352
    linear model values, 589
    material selection and, 57, 555
    material values, 354
    superconductivity, 345
    Electromotive force (emf ), 347
    Electronic distance measuring instruments
    (EDMI), 165
    Electronic spreadsheets, seeExcel

Element by element operations, MATLAB,
467– 469
Elements of a matrix, 441– 442,
464 – 465, 606
Energy, 137–138, 150, 241, 268, 336 – 337,
372 – 415. See alsoHeat transfer; Power;
biodiesel fuel, 408
coal, 395 – 396
conservation of mechanical, 378
conservation of, 150, 378 – 381
consumption of, 393 – 394
efficiency and, 386 – 393
elastic, 376 – 377
estimation, 336 – 337
ethanol, 408
first law of thermodynamics, 379 – 381
generation of, 393 – 395
gravitational potential, 374 – 375
heating oil, 396
Hoover Dam, engineering marvel,
413 – 415
hydropower, 398 – 399
kinetic, 241, 373 – 374
mechanical, 373 – 378
natural gas, 395, 397
nuclear, 396 – 398
photovoltaic systems, 403 – 405
potential, 374 – 376
power and, 137–138, 372 – 415
solar, 399 – 405
sources of, 393 – 408
strain, 268
thermal, 315 – 328, 379
total, 379 – 380
units of, 137–138, 374 – 379, 400
wind, 405 – 408
work and, 137–138, 150, 268,
373 – 386
Energy audit, lighting systems, 368
Energy efficiency ratio (EER), 392 – 393
Engineer’s creed, 115 –116
Engineering analysis, 428 – 430, 471– 472,
665 – 683
decisions based on economics, 672 – 675
economic, 655 – 683
Excel functions for, 428 – 430, 675 – 678
interest – time factors, 667– 672
MATLAB functions for, 471– 472
Engineering career preparation, 26 – 39. See
alsoStudy habits
engineering organizations, involvement
with, 35
graduation plan, 36
helpful considerations for, 36 – 37
studying for, 30 – 34
time, budgeting of, 27– 30
transition from high school to college, 27

692 Index

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