Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
Solution of engineering problems, 92 – 94,
143 –146, 205 – 207, 491– 495,
614 – 615. See alsoEngineering Problems
analysis of, 93
defining the problem, 93
engineering presentation for, 94
Gauss elimination method for, 491– 492,
614 – 615
MATLAB used for, 493 – 495
numerical, 143 –144
parametric form, 93
significant digits and, 144 –146
simplifying the problem, 93
simultaneous linear equations, 491– 492,
614 – 615
steps of, 92 – 93
symbolic, 143 –144, 493 – 495
time, role of in, 205 – 207
verifying results, 93
solvecommand, MATLAB, 493 – 495
Solver, team role of, 60
Specific gravity, 234 – 235
Specific heat, 333 – 334
Specific volume, 234
Specific weight, 235, 558 –559
Speed, 214 – 215, 221– 222
angular (rotational), 221– 222
average, 214 – 215
instantaneous, 214 – 215
kilometers per hour (km/h), 215
linear velocity and, 214 – 215
miles per hour ( mph), 215
radians per second (rad /s), 222
revolutions per minute (rpm), 222
time-related parameter of, 214 – 215,
221– 222
Spheres, moment of inertia of, 238
Springs, 255 – 257, 376 – 377, 587–588
constant, 256, 376
dependent variable of, 587–588
force, 255 – 257, 376 – 377
linear model for, 587–588
Square matrix, 442, 606
Standard atmosphere, variations of with
altitude, 593
Standard deviation, 638 – 642
Standard normal distribution, 645 – 648
Standardiserigen I Sverige (SIS), 58
Standards and codes, 65 – 81
air quality, 77– 81
American National Standards Institute
(ANSI), 68
American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM), 68 –70
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME), 68
Association Française de normalisation
(AFNOR), 68

British Standards Institute (BSI), 68
Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 68
China State Bureau of Quality and
Technical Supervision (CSBTS), 68
civil engineering, 75
contaminants, methods of managing,
80 – 81
Deutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN), 68
drinking water, 73, 76
engineering design and, 65 – 81
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
73, 76 –79
European Union Cstandards, 68, 71
indoor air quality, 79 – 81
international, 71–72
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), 67– 68, 70
National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA), 70
need for, 66 – 68
organizations, web sites for, 71–72
outdoor air quality, 77–78
Standardiserigen I Sverige (SIS), 58
Underwrites Laboratories (UL), 70
United States, 68 –70, 73 – 80
Statistics, 633 – 654
frequency distribution, 636 – 638
mean, 638 – 639
normal distribution, 643 – 650
outcome, 634
population (data points), 635
probability and, 634 – 635, 643 – 650
random errors, 638
random experiments, 634
relative frequency, 634 – 635
standard deviation, 638 – 642
systematic (fixed) errors, 638
variance, 640
Status bar, Excel, 419 – 420
Steady problems, 205
Steam, material phase of, 554
Steel, material selection and, 563 –564
Stopping sight distance, nonlinear model for,
584, 596 –597
Strain as a ratio of two lengths, 171
Strain energy, 268
Strength, seeCompression strength; Tensile
strength; Yield strength
Strength-to-weight ratio, material selection
and, 58, 557
Stress, 280 – 288
force acting over an area, 280 – 281
material properties and, 282 – 288
normal, 280 – 281
pressure and, 280 – 281
second moment of area and, 281
shear, 280 – 281
Stress – strain diagrams, 282 – 283

Study habits, 27– 34
daily preparation and, 30 – 34
exam preparation, 34
note taking, 32 – 33
study groups, 33 – 34
time, budgeting of, 27– 31
Subtracting unwanted area, 178
Superconductivity, 354
Supports, force and behavior of, 266
Surface plots, MATLAB, 483 – 485
Sustainability, 6 – 8, 54 –56
defined, 54
design concerns, 54 –56
civil engineering role in, 54 –55
key concepts, methods, and tools, 56
worldwide engineering concerns, 6 – 8
Symbolic solutions, 143 –144, 493 – 495
engineering problems, 143 –144
MATLAB opertions for, 493 – 495
Symbols, 481– 482, 492 – 495, 585 –587
Greek alphabet as, 585 –586
mathematical, 493 – 495, 585 –587
MATLAB, 481– 482, 493 – 495
plotting, 481– 482
Roman numerals as, 586 –587
Symbols for engineering graphics, 528 –532
civil engineering, 530 –531
electrical and electronic engineering,
530 –531
electrical, 531
importance of, 528 –530
logic, 529, 531
mechanical engineering, 532
plumbing and piping, 531
Symmetric matrix, 611
Synthesis, design process, 43 – 44
Systematic errors, 638
Systems of units, 161, 163 –164

Task charts for design process, 61– 62
Tau Beta Pi (TBP), 13
Teamwork, 59 – 61
common traits of good, 60 – 61
conflict resolution, 61
design team, 59
roles in, 60
Technical reports (detailed), 97–100
Temperature and temperature-related
parameters, 129, 133, 135 –136, 138,
303 – 343, 588 –590
absolute thermodynamic, 313
absolute zero, 311– 315
calibration of instruments for, 309 – 310
Celsius (°C) scale, 135, 309 – 310,
313 – 315
conduction, 59, 316 – 319
convection, 322 – 326

700 Index

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