Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
conversions, 313 – 316
degree days (DD), 336 – 337
differences, energy from, 315 – 328
distribution across a plain wall, 588 –590
energy estimation, 336 – 337
engineering use of, 306 – 307
Fahrenheit (°F) scale, 135, 309 – 310,
313 – 315
fuels, heating values of, 335 – 336
fundamental dimension, as a, 129,
304 – 308
heat transfer, 315 – 328
ideal gas law, 311– 313
independent variable, as a, 588 –589
Kelvin (K) scale, 132 –134, 136, 313 – 315
linear model for, 588 –590
material properties, 307, 331– 334
measurement of, 308 – 315
metabolic rate, 329 – 330
radiation, 327– 328
Rankine (°R) scale, 135 –136, 313 – 315
specific heat, 333 – 334
thermal comfort, 329 – 331
thermal conductivity, 59, 318
thermal energy, 315 – 328
thermal expansion, 331– 333
thermal resistance, 319 – 322, 324 – 326
units of, 133, 135 –136, 138, 309 – 316
windchill factor, 326 – 327
Temperature gradient, 318
Templates, PowerPoint, 101
Tensile strength, 58, 283, 286 – 287, 556,
559 –560
force and, 283, 286 – 287
material selection and, 58, 556, 559 –560
Tensile tests, 282
Theory and analysis, technical reports, 98
Thermal comfort, 329 – 331, 572. See also
Insulating materials
humidity and, 572
temperature and, 329 – 331
Thermal conductivity, 59, 318, 557
Thermal energy, 315 – 328, 379. See also
Heat transfer
conversions of, 315 – 316
heat transfer and, 315 – 328, 379
units of, 315 – 316, 379
Thermal expansion, 58 –59, 331– 333,
557, 560
material selection and, 58 –59, 557, 560
temperature and, 331– 333
Thermal resistance, 319 – 322, 324 – 326
convection, 324 – 326
film resistance (coefficient), 324
insulating materials, 319 – 322
Ohm’s law, 319 – 320
R-value (factor), 320 – 322, 324 – 325
Thermistors, 309 – 310

Thermocouples, 310 – 311
Thermodynamics, 149 –150, 379 – 381
Newton’s first law of, 379 – 381
Newton’s second law of, 149 –150
Thermometers, 309 – 310
Thermoplastics, 567
Thermosets, 567
Time and time-related parameters, 129,
203 – 228, 290 – 292. See also
Acceleration; Angular motion; Linear
motion; Velocity
acceleration and, 216 – 218, 223 – 224
angular motion, 221– 224
daylight saving, 209 – 210
engineering problems and solutions, role
of in, 205 – 207
forces acting over, 290 – 292
frequencies, 210 – 212
fundamental dimension, as a, 129,
204 – 207
Hertz (Hz), unit of, 210 – 211
length and, 214 – 218
linear engineering parameters of,
214 – 218
linear impulse, 290 – 292
measurement of, 207– 210
parameters involving length and,
214 – 220
periods, 210 – 212
rotational (angular) speeds, 221– 222
second (s), unit of, 133, 135 –136, 138
speed and, 214 – 215, 221– 222
traffic flow, 212 – 214
units of, 133, 135 –136, 138, 205,
210 – 211
velocity and, 214 – 218
volume flow rate, 219 – 220
zones, 208 – 209
Titanium, 561–562
title ('text')command,
Title bar, Excel, 419 – 420
today ( )function, Excel, 430
Tolerancing, 514
Ton of refrigeration, unit of, 383 – 384
Toolbar buttons, Excel, 419 – 420
Top-down modeling, 521, 524 –526
Torque, force of acting at a distance,
262 – 267
Total energy, 379 – 380
Trademarks, 64 – 65
Traffic flow, 212 – 214
Transpose of a matrix, 610 – 611
Trapezoidal rule, 175, 178 –180
Trigonometric functions, 431, 472
Trigonometric principles for length
measurement, 166 –168
Tubing (copper), dimensions of, 169 –170

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8, 11–12
U.S. Customary system of units, 136 –138,
163 –164
U.S. Department of Energy, 364
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), 56
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 13
Ultimate (compressive) strength, 283,
286 – 288, 559 –560
Underwater Neutral Buoyancy Simulator,
Underwrites Laboratories (UL), 70
Uniform Time Act, 210
Unit (identity) matrix, 606
United Nations Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment Synthesis Report, 8, 55
Units, 132 –142, 163 –164, 175, 182, 205,
210 – 211, 215 – 216, 219, 222,
233 – 234, 254 – 255, 268 – 270,
273 – 275, 309 – 316, 346 – 347,
354, 360, 363 – 364, 374 – 379,
382 – 386, 400
acceleration, 216
angular motion, 222
area, 175
British Gravitational (BG) system of,
135 –136
conversion, 138 –141, 313 – 315, 374
dimensional homogeneity, 141–142
electrical current, 133, 346 – 347,
354, 360
electrical power, 136 –138
energy, 137–138, 268, 315 – 316,
374 – 379, 400
equivalent values of, 163
everyday use of, 131–132
force, 134 –137, 254 – 255, 268 – 270,
273 – 275
General Conference on Weights and
Measures (CGMP), 132, 134, 346
heat transfer, 315 – 316
International System (SI) of, 132 –135,
163 –164
length, 132 –136, 138, 163 –164
luminous intensity (luminosity), 133,
363 – 364
mass, 132 –138, 233 – 234
power, 137–138, 382 – 386
prefixes for, 135
pressure, 269 – 270, 273 – 275
speed (velocity), 215, 222
systems of, 132 –138
temperature, 133, 135 –136, 138,
309 – 316
time, 133, 135 –136, 138, 205, 210 – 211
U.S. Customary system of, 136 –138,
163 –164
volume, 182

Index 701

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