Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
Units (Continued)
volumetric flow, 219
work, 137–138, 268, 374 – 379
Unsteady (transient) problems,
205 – 207

Vacuum pressure, 275
Vapor pressure, 59, 276 – 277, 557
force and, 276 – 277
material selection and, 59, 557
Variable relations to fundamental
dimensions, 160
Variance, 640
Vectors, 215 – 216, 240, 441, 464
Velocity, 214 – 218, 239 – 240
acceleration and, 216 – 218
instantaneous, 215
linear, 214 – 218
magnitude, 240
momentum, 239 – 241
parameter of time, as a, 214 – 218
speed and, 214 – 215
Viscosity, 59, 257– 258, 307, 557
friction (viscous) force as,
257– 258
material selection and, 59, 557
temperature variation and, 307
Voltage, 347– 349
batteries, 347– 348
electromotive force (emf ), 347
photoemission, 348 – 349
power plants, 349
work as, 347– 349

Volume, 172 –173, 180 –185, 234.
See alsoBuoyancy
area relationship to, 172 –173
buoyancy and, 180 –181
direct estimation of, 185
formulas for, 183
importance of in engineering, 180 –181
indirect estimation of, 184
parameter of length, as a, 180 –185
specific, 234
units of, 182
Volume flow rate, 219 – 220
Volumetric flow, 219

Water, 73, 76, 554 –555, 572 –573
drinking standards, 73, 76
fluid properties of, 572 –573
ice, 554 –555
material phases of, 554 –555
steam, 554
Watts (W), unit of, 382 – 384
Web sites, 12 –14, 71–72
engineering disciplines, 12 –14
organizations of engineering standards and
codes, 71–72
Weighing the area, 179
Weight as a linear parameter, 216 – 217
whilecommand, MATLAB, 475
Whistleblowing, engineering ethics and,
119 –120
Wind, energy from, 405 – 408
Windchill factor, 326 – 327
Wood, material selection and, 566 –567

Work, 137–138, 150, 267– 268, 347– 349,
373 – 386
conservation of energy, 150, 379 – 381
conservation of mechanical energy, 378
elastic energy and, 376 – 377
energy and, 373 – 386
force acting over distance, 267– 268
joule ( J), 138, 268, 374 – 376
kinetic energy and, 373 – 374
mechanical energy and, 373 – 378
potential energy and, 374 – 376
power and, 381– 386
strain energy and, 268
units of, 137–138, 268, 374 – 379
voltage representation of, 347– 349
Workbooks, Excel, 420
Worksheets, Excel, 420
Workspace, saving in MATLAB, 466

XY (Scatter) plots, Excel, 435 – 441
x-ycharts, 434, 480 – 487
Excel, 434
MATLAB, 480 – 487

Yield strength, 58, 283, 286 – 287, 556,
559 –560
force and, 283, 286 – 287
material selection and, 58, 556, 559 –560
Young’s modulus, 57–58, 282 – 285, 556,

  1. See alsoModulus of elasticity
    force and, 282 – 285
    material selection and, 57–58, 556, 558

702 Index

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