The Great Secret of Mind

(Chris Devlin) #1
Of ignorant dualistic appearances.

In The Heart-Essence of Vimalamitra, Longchenpa says,

It is taught by the Lama Vimalamitra, that buddha will never be attained on
the paths of the nine graduated approaches by engaging in their view,
meditation, and conduct. Why not? Because in the views of the nine
approaches, there is only intellectual conjecture that is sometimes convincing
and sometimes not, but which can never induce the naked essence.

In the same source, Longchenpa quotes the rigzin Garab Dorje saying,

A view based on speculative thought brings suffering;
Meditation derived from it creates a foggy mind;
Activity based on it brings weariness;
And any hope of result is total delusion.

Below the secret precept class of Dzogchen Atiyoga, each successive lower
approach views the one beneath it as inadequate, inasmuch as each depends upon
speculative thought. Most especially, the sutras of the Approach with Signs, which
teach speculative deductive logic as being the leader, assume that the nature of
mind cannot be realized directly in the spaciousness of pure presence. In the
Approach with Signs, regardless of the profundity of the mind’s meditation, there
is only mere replacement of one dualistic concept by another. This method does
not engage the reality of Dzogchen’s natural state or the natural perfection of
mind. However high it flies, a bird must always land; if there is no crucial
realization of self-arising/self-releasing mind, then any effort is eventually only a
cause of fatigue. As Drubchen Pema Dewai Gyelpo says in The Rampant Lion,

Without realizing the crux of self-arising/self-releasing,
Reification, with its heavy suffering, causes fatigue;
If we do not understand primordial reflexive release,
There is no liberation from samsara’s rebirths.


To receive a good introduction to the completely liberating view of Dzogchen, we
need to serve a rigzin-lama, a Dzogchen yogin.
In the tantra The Compendium of Pure Presence, it is said,

Without consulting wise teachers,
A Buddha cannot appear;
Without a teacher no Buddha has ever appeared—
It would be contrary to prophecy.

After completing his studies of sutra and tantra at Samye, Longchen Rabjampa, the

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