The Great Secret of Mind

(Chris Devlin) #1

this, when we are engaged on the path, during the gaps between sessions of
meditation, no matter what thoughts and emotions arise, we remain at ease with
them, without any need to examine their nature, origin, place of abiding, or place
of departure, or to examine their shape, color, or attribute: the emotions and
accompanying thoughts will effortlessly disappear by themselves.
In this meditation, both the introduction of the view and the maturation of
meditation are completed. For beginners on the Dzogchen path, this sequence of
examination, fixation, and establishment and of introduction and maturation is
very profound. Later, no matter what emotional poison emerges, we can
automatically recognize its nature as it arises and releases simultaneously, again
and again. Then in our own experience, we can clearly see the inexpressible pure
presence as the dharmakaya. There is no higher view or meditation than this. In
The Treasury of the Dharmadhatu, Longchenpa says,

View and meditation are primordially released,
Liberated in nondiscrimination;
Conduct and character are primordially released,
Liberated in the All-Good;
The goal is primordially released,
Liberated in the absence of hope and fear.

When Padmasambhava left Tibet for the island of Ngayab Ling in the southwest,
the king, ministers, and people of Tibet saw him off on a Gungtang hill top. They
prostrated to him and wailing with grief requested him not to go to Ngayab but to
stay with them, to be the object of prayer of the king, ministers, and people. He left
them anyway saying, β€œAll experience is ephemeral, and it is natural that all
composite things eventually decay. I have been here long enough, and there is no
place in Tibet that I have not visited and blessed. Yeshe Tsogyel and Bairotsana are
staying behind, and they are not different from me. In the mountains, cliffs, and
remote places of Tibet, I have hidden treasure texts for the benefit of fortunate
people of the future.” Having relieved the sorrow of the people in this way, before
leaving he sang this song:

I go to the land of mirrorlike awareness,
And in those fields of the land of clear light
There will be no hatred for enemies,
Just pure presence and spaciousness inseparable,
United like mother and son.

I go to the land of awareness of sameness...

and so on, through the five modes of awareness.
In this last instruction given by Padmasambhava to his disciples, to Dzogchen
yogins and yoginis, the morning and evening sessions of ritual meditation sitting
in the seven-point posture of Vairochana are implied. Body, speech, and mind
should not wander into trifling places. In short, yogins and yoginis should not go

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