Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

black on white is easy to read and is, at least among these Web sites, the
status quo.

4. Average Font Size For Headlines

Of course, the choice of headline font size depends on the font used in the
design. In any case, in our study by far the most popular font sizes ranged
from 18 to 29 pixels, with 18 to 20 pixels and 24 to 26 pixels being the most
popular choices.

Our study didn՚t yield any clear winners. The average font size for headings
is 25.6 pixels. But note that any size between 18 and 29 pixels could be
effective; it depends, after all, on how your headings fit the overall design
of your Web site. Still, you could try experimenting with larger sizes,
because displays are always getting larger, as are display resolutions.

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