Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

Choosing typefaces from different classifications at the start avoids
needless tension in your design and typography later.

Assign Distinct Roles

One very easy way to combine multiple fonts from several typefaces is to
design a role-based scheme for each font or typeface, and stick to it. In
the next example, we have used Akzidenz Grotesk Bold in all-caps in an
author slug on the top. We then use Rockwell Bold for the article heading.
Our body copy intro and body copy typeface is Bembo at different sizes.
Finally, the second level heading is Akzidenz Grotesk Medium.

We saved the highly-distinct Rockwell for attention-getting headlines, and
fallen back to a conservative sans serif heading and serif body copy
combination we discussed earlier. But even in that choice, we have a great
variation of size, weight and function among the fonts used.

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