Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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The ̒wide̓ serif stack: Georgia, Utopia, Palatino, ̒Palatino Linotype̓, serif

The narrow̓ serif stack: ̒Times New Roman̓, Times, serif

The monospace stack: ̒Courier New̓, Courier, monospace

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Font Matrix

Font Matrix is a font comparison tool that lists fonts bundled with Windows
XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS X Tiger, Mac OS X Leopard, Microsoft Office
(2003, 2007 and 2004 for Mac) and the Adobe Creative Suite. The chart
shows which software bundles and operating systems come with which
fonts, so you can get a good idea of how common a particular font might
be. This is an incredibly valuable tool for those looking to create their own
custom font stacks.

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