Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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the property will be backwards-compatible with CSS Level 1 and 2. But if

you specify all three values, as in text-decoration: red dashed

underline, then it is ignored in browsers that don՚t support them.

Specifies whether the text decoration should skip certain types of elements.

The proposed values are none, images, spaces, ink and all.

With this property, you can control, for example, whether the underline

should cross the text՚s descenders or not: auto, before-edge,

alphabetic and after-edge.

Controlling Overflow

The text-overflow property lets you control what is shown when text

overflows its container. For example, if you want all of the items in a list of
news to have the same height, regardless of the amount of text, you can
use CSS to add ellipses (...) to the overflow to indicate more text. This
technique is commonly seen in iPhone apps and Web sites.

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