Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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example, is created automatically when a hyphen is surrounded by spaces,
and the em dash is created when two dashes appear in a row. Once you՚re
used to the syntax, creating well-formatted web typography is much faster
and simpler than by hand-coding everything. Typografix is written in C#,
requires Windows Installer 3.1 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and is released
under the GNU GPL v3. It would be great to see an AIR-application with the
same features.

TypeIt – Typographic Accents Made Easy

Do you often find the need to edit body copy or emails in foreign
languages with funny characters that for some reason do not display
properly from the local keyboard? Then have a look at TypeIt.

The online tool will save you a lot of time and vexation. Don՚t strain your
brain with hotkeys like Alt + 134; stop hunting around for special characters

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