Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

or ff. In modern desktop publishing kerning varies from font to font as you
see below.

Left: Geneva with kerning (utmost left) and without kerning
Right: The Helvetica character set doesn՚t contain glyphs for ligatures.


Typography comprises much more than the usage and design of fonts. It
actually covers the complete arrangement of type, pictures, lines, areas and
and typographic space in printed products or electronic media. The creative
features of typesetting are devided in microtypography and
macrotypgraphy. The latter concerns the following details:

  • choice of paper / media format (HTML, Flash etc.)

  • page format / screen resolution

  • type area / screen layout

  • line width, lead (space between lines), number of lines per page/screen

  • positioning of pictures, tables and text

  • proportion of type in relation to tables and graphics

  • amount of whitespace

  • font size and font decoration

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