Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

Stroke Weight

This term goes back to the physical width of a writing utensil and the
subsequently thinner or bolder writing/script depending on the utensil՚s
width. In modern desk top publishing font families come with different font
weights, e.g. light, regular, bold or semibold. Furthermore, some
typefaces vary in stroke weight within one particular font as the following
illustration shows.


One single word in the last line of a paragraph (see illustration in paragraph

  1. Widows and Orphans). Expressions for typographic terms vary in
    different languages. What՚s called a widow in English is a whore՚s child in

White Space

In microtypography white space or negative space is the free space around
and within letters, e. g. the space within the P՚s bow in the illustration
above. In macro typography negative space is the portion of a printed page
or web page that is not filled with text or illustrations and – more generally

  • each and every unmarked space between margins, columns, lines of type
    or figures and other drawn or depicted objects.

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