Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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10 Principles For Readable Web


Matt Cronin

Readability is one of the more important aspects of Web design usability.
Readable text affects how users process the information in the content.
Poor readability scares readers away from the content. On the other hand,
done correctly, readability allows users to efficiently read and take in the
information in the text. You want users to be able to read your content and
absorb it easily.

In this post, we՚ll explain some web typography terms and how they play
into readability; we՚ll present numerous tips to help improve the
readability of your content; and we՚ll showcase very readable Web sites,
layouts and articles.

The Terms, And What Each Means For Readability

There are many factors that play into the readability of text. There are also a
number of terms, all very important. Here are a few of the more common
web typography terms and an explanation of how each term affects

Every typographic layout needs the essential element of hierarchy.
Hierarchy defines how to read through content. It shows the user were to
start reading and where to read through. It differentiates headers from
body text. Although colors of text boxes can be used to contrast headers

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