Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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However, many factors and technologies determine the actual effectiveness
of the process: hinting, subpixel rendering, software capabilities and
operating system specifications, to name a few.

Here, we՚ll look at what you as a designer can do to improve the results of
anti-aliasing with Photoshop, Flash and CSS. Plus, we՚ll explain the
constraints of hardware, browsers and operating systems.


Aliased vs. Anti-Aliased

It takes only a quick glance to realize that anti-aliasing is extremely
important to making text legible. With few exceptions, anti-aliased text can
dramatically reduce eye strain, not to mention that it renders glyphs much
closer to their intended design.

Because of this, designers must decide how, not if, anti-aliasing should
be used. This decision is based on a number of factors that one has to
consider in the process from design to delivery.

42pt “Goudy Oldstyle Bold”: aliased and anti-aliased versions

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