Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1
5 h 2 {

(^6) font-size: 36px;
7 }
9 h 3 {
(^10) font-size: 24px;
11 }
13 h 4 {
(^14) font-size: 21px;
15 }
17 h 5 {
(^18) font-size: 18px;
19 }
21 h 6 {
(^22) font-size: 16px;
23 }
25 p {
(^26) font-size: 14px;
27 }

8. Clean Rags

When setting a block of text unjustified with a left or right alignment, be
sure to keep the rag (the uneven side) balanced without any sudden “holes”
or awkward shapes. A bad rag can be unsettling to the eye and distract the
reader. A good rag has a “soft” unevenness, without any lines that are too
long or too short. There is no way of controlling this in CSS, so to achieve a
good rag you must make manual adjustments to the block of text.

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