Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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According to our study, sans-serif fonts are still more popular than serif
fonts for headlines, although they seem to have dropped in popularity in
recent years.

60% of Web sites use sans-serif typefaces for headlines, mostly Arial,
Verdana, Lucida Grande and Helvetica. Among them: CNN, ArsTechnica,
Slate, BBC and NewScientist.

Only 34% of Web sites use a serif typeface for body copy. Among them:

  • New York Times,

  • Typographica,

  • Time,

  • AIGA^

  • Newsweek.

Most popular typefaces for ...

The most popular serif typefaces for headlines are Georgia (28%) and
Baskerville (4%).

The most popular serif typefaces for body copy are Georgia (32%) and
Times New Roman (4%).

The most popular sans-serif typefaces for headlines are Arial (28%),
Helvetica (20%) and Verdana (8%).

The most popular sans-serif typefaces for body copy are Arial (28%),
Verdana (20%) and Lucida Grande (10%).

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