Microsoft Access 2010 Bible

(Rick Simeone) #1

Part IV: Professional Database Development


Unlike toolbars and menus in older Access versions, Access 2007 and 2010 support a single rib-
bon. All of the older versions of Access (version 2003 and earlier) had multiple toolbars and
menus, and Access automatically swapped toolbars and menus, depending on the current task per-
formed by the user. Access 2003, for instance, included a total of 29 different toolbars, many of
which were virtually identical except for a few controls here and there. The menuing system in
Access 2003 was similarly complex, with many different menu bar configurations, all dependent
on the user’s current activity.

Access 2007 and 2010 perform similar magic on the ribbon. The ribbon automatically transforms
to support the user’s current activity. For instance, when you’re working with a table in Datasheet
view, the ribbon displays controls for filtering, searching, and sorting datasheet fields, whereas
opening a report in Print Preview mode causes the ribbon to show controls for printing and adjust-
ing margins. Access takes care of all of the complexity of rearranging the controls on the ribbon to
suit the current task.

The older CommandBars model (see Figure 29.1), although complex and somewhat difficult to
work with, featured a complete object model that included several different object types, with
properties, methods, and events. Although a considerable amount of work was involved in build-
ing CommandBar-based toolbars and menus, a developer working with CommandBar objects ben-
efited from IntelliSense and online help that documented each type of CommandBar control.


Developers working with Access CommandBars were limited in their choice of controls.

In addition to the difficulty of programming the complex CommandBar model, CommandBar-
based toolbars and menus were somewhat limited in their abilities. Because of their rather “flat”
construction, many developers had to resort to deeply nested menus and toolbars buttons that
didn’t do much more than open dialog boxes that actually performed the task the user required.
Many users complained about the difficulty they had learning how to use custom menus, especially
if they were not particularly well-planned and constructed.

In addition, some users had tremendous trouble with movable toolbars and menus. By default, the
CommandBar objects in previous versions of Access were not only movable, but they could also be
docked at the top, bottom, or either side of the main Access screen. Users often complained that,
after they accidentally moved a toolbar or menu, it would “stick” to one side or the other of the
main Access screen, and they couldn’t figure out how to move it back to its original location. Also,
even though the convention was to always place a menu CommandBar above a toolbar
CommandBar, it was easy to swap these positions, contributing to a user’s confusion.

The ribbon (see Figure 29.2), which is shared by all of the Office applications, is an innovative
approach to dealing with the problem of flat toolbars and menus. Perhaps the first thing a new
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