Microsoft Access 2010 Bible

(Rick Simeone) #1

Chapter 2: Creating Access Tables


l (^) [color]: Displays the output in the color (black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow,
or white) indicated between the brackets.
The Format property takes precedence when both a format specifier and an input mask have
been defined.
Number and Currency field formats
There is a wide variety of valid formats for Number and Currency fields. You can use one of the
built-in formats or construct a custom format of your own:
l (^) General Number: The number is displayed in the format in which it was entered. (This is
the default format for numeric data fields.)
l (^) Currency: Add a thousands separator (usually a comma), use a decimal point with two
digits to the right of the decimal, and enclose negative numbers in parentheses. A
Currency field value is shown with the currency symbol (such as a dollar or euro sign)
specified by the Regional and Language Options in Control Panel.
l (^) Fixed: Always display at least one digit to the left and two digits to the right of the deci-
mal point.
l (^) Standard: Use the thousands separator with two digits to the right of the decimal point.
l Percent: The number value is multiplied by 100 and a percent sign is added to the right.
Percent values are displayed with two decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
l Scientific: Scientific notation is used to display the number.
l (^) Euro: Prefixes the euro currency symbol to the number, and uses spaces instead of com-
mas as the thousands delimiter.
The built-in numeric formats are summarized in Table 2.4.

Numeric Format Examples

Format Type Number as Entered Number as Displayed Format Defined
General 987654.321 987654.3 ######.#
Currency 987654.321 $987,654.32 $###,##0.00
Euro 987654.321 €987,654.32 €###,##0.00
Fixed 987654.321 987654.32 ######.##
Standard 987654.321 987,654.32 ###,###.##
Percent .987 98.7% ###.##%
Scientific 987654.321 9.88E+05 ###E+00
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