Chapter 30: Using Access Macros .............................................................................................
The macro design window displaying the Macro window and Action catalog
Macro Tools tab
Macro window Action Catalog
Select MessageBox from the drop-down list in the macro window. The macro window changes
to display an area where you input the arguments (Message, Beep, Type, and Title) associated
with the MessageBox action.
Set the arguments as follows:
l (^) Message: Hello World!
l Beep: No
l (^) Type: None
l Title: A Simple Macro
Your screen should look similar to Figure 30.3. The Message argument defines the text that
appears in the message box and is the only argument that is required and has no default. The
Beep argument determines whether a beep is heard when the message box appears. The Type
argument sets which icon appears in the message box: None, Critical, Warning?, Warning!, or
Information. The Title argument defines the text that appears in the message box’s title bar.