Chapter 2: Creating Access Tables
l (^) General Date: If the value contains a date only, don’t display a time value and vice versa.
Dates are displayed in the built-in Short Date format (mm/dd/yy), while time data is dis-
played in the Long Time format.
l Long Date: Sunday, May 13, 2012.
l (^) Medium Date: 13-May-12.
l Short Date: 5/13/12.
l (^) Long Time: 9:21:17 AM.
l Medium Time: 09:21 AM.
l (^) Short Time: 09:21.
Date and time formats are influenced by the Regional Settings in the Windows Control Panel.
Custom Date/Time formats
Custom formats are created by constructing a specification string containing the following symbols:
l : (colon): Separates time elements (hours, minutes, seconds)
l (^) / (forward slash): Separates date elements (days, months, years)
l c: Instructs Access to use the built-in General Date format
l (^) d: Displays the day of the month as one or two digits (1–31)
l dd: Displays the day of the month using two digits (01–31)
l (^) ddd: Displays the day of the week as a three-character abbreviation (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed,
Thu, Fri, Sat)
l (^) dddd: Uses the full name of the day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
l (^) ddddd: Uses the built-in Short Date format
l dddddd: Uses the built-in Long Date format
l (^) w: Uses a number to indicate the day of the week
l ww: Shows the week of the year
l (^) m: Displays the month of the year using one or two digits
l mm: Displays the month of the year using two digits (with leading 0 if necessary)
l (^) mmm: Displays the month as a three-character abbreviation (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
l (^) mmmm: Displays the full name of the month (for example, January)
l q: Displays the date as the quarter of the year
l (^) y: Displays the day of the year (1 through 366)
l yy: Displays the year as two digits (for example, 12)
l (^) yyyy: Displays the year as four digits (2012)