Chapter 33: Integrating Access with SharePoint
You must have appropriate permissions to link to a SharePoint list. In fact, without proper permis-
sions, Access can’t even display a list of SharePoint lists on the designated site. Figure 33.3 shows
the standard SharePoint login dialog box, asking for the user’s credentials. SharePoint users are
recognized by their membership in Windows Active Directory services and their inclusion in des-
ignated SharePoint groups. These topics are beyond the scope of this book, but you should be
aware that access to SharePoint sites and SharePoint data is protected by processes similar to any
other Windows application.
The SharePoint 2010 login dialog box
After providing appropriate SharePoint credentials, the user is presented with a list of SharePoint lists
in the designated SharePoint site. Each item in the list is accompanied by a check box. In Figure 33.4,
only the Calendar SharePoint list is selected for linking, but you can select multiple lists as well.
Selecting a SharePoint list for linking